讲座问题:Evaluating the Impact of Strategic Decisions on Firms’Financial and Operational Performance
主 讲 人:夏玉森 教授 佐治亚州立大学罗宾森商学院
夏玉森博士是佐治亚州立大学罗宾森商学院教授。其研究工具包括运营和供应链剖析,运营和营销界面,以及行为运营治理。夏教授在如下杂志揭晓多篇文章:Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences。夏教授是Production and Operations Management和Decisions Sciences两个杂志的副主编。
While some of firms’ strategic decisions have positive impact on performance, some do not and may have negative impacts. In this presentation, I will talk about how to evaluate the impact of strategic decisions on firms’ financial and operational performances for both short period and long term. In particular, for the short term, I will present how to evaluate market value changes with three models: the Carhart four-factor model, the market model, and the market-adjusted model. For the long term performance evaluation, I will talk about how to use control firms with different matching methods. Examples from my research will be used to illustrate how to establish the causal relationship.