讲座问题:Role of Interfacial Protein Membrane in The Protection of Food Emulsions Against Oxidative Damage
主 讲 人:熊幼翎 教授 University of Kentucky, USA
熊幼翎, 现任肯塔基大学动物与食物科学系教授、科研部主任、肯塔基大学营养科学研究中心和膜科学研究中心兼聘教授、江南大学教育部长江学者。熊教授是 IFT肉品科学分会前任主席,并于2010、2012 、2016年划分中选美国食物科学协会IFT会士(Fellow)、美国化学协会ACS AGFD 会士(Fellow)、国际食物科学院IAFoST 院士 (Fellow)。并兼任众多美国和天下其他国家包括中国的科研基金评委。熊教授的研究主要集中在食物卵白质化学与功效、肉制品加工手艺和清静、抗氧化肽和卵白氧化机理等领域。合计揭晓了SCI文章240余篇, 在国际学术聚会作大会特邀讲话120多次, 并组织了30多个国际学术聚会。在近30年的学术生涯里,熊教授作育了60多位博士、硕士和博士后。他的学生现在遍布全球食物营养领域,众多成为高校和企业领武士才。熊教授对食物科学手艺的长期孝顺获得学术界和工业界的普遍认可。先后获美国肉品科学协会“优异成绩奖”(1995年)、美国化学协会“年轻科学家奖”(1997年)、美国肉品科学协会“优异研究奖”(1999年)、肯塔基大学优异研究奖(2009年)、“优异研究生导师奖”(2011年)和“卓越研究教授奖”(2011年)。2015年1月获得瑞典皇家农林科学院最高奖“Bertebos” 奖(俗称“农业诺贝尔”)。
熊教授现在担当SCI 期刊Journal of Food Science科学主编,SCI 期刊Food Bioscience副主编,以及30多个国际食物科学和营养期刊的审稿人。别的, 他还担当了中国多个大学照料或客座教授,为中国高校研究生和青年西席作育,海内高校在国际食物业的着名度提升,以及中国食物科技国际化做出了实有价值的孝顺。
Proteins are amphiphilic macromolecules that exhibit affinity for both lipids and water. At the oil/water interface, the adsorbed proteins act as a physical barrier and create a hydration layer to prevent oil droplets from coalescence. Comminuted meat batters, whipped creams, and soymilk are examples of emulsion products where proteins function as a stabilizer. The role of a protein membrane, in comparison with small surfactants such as tween 20 and lecithin, is beyond its emulsifying activity. The presence of radical-scavenging as well as reducing and metal ion-chelation groups within a protein molecule lends itself to chemical antioxidant potential. Interestingly, the antioxidative capacity of proteins is significantly accentuated when they are located at the oil/water interface, indicating steric hindrances to reactive oxygen and non-oxygen species. In our studies that compare antioxidant activities of muscle, soy, and milk proteins distributed in the continuous aqueous phase versus proteins located at the surface of emulsion oil droplets, we consistently observe stronger efficacy of interfacial proteins. This is manifested by the more pronounced oxidative changes in interfacial proteins (carbonyl formation, sulfhydryl loss, intrinsic fluorescence attenuation, as well as aggregation) than proteins in the aqueous phase which, in effect, spares unsaturated lipids from oxidative attack. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), as well as cryo-transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) provide physical evidence for such radical-deterring effect of the interfacial protein membrane. Structural and rheological characteristics of the membrane and the hydrated interface can be modulated through the modification of protein structure and manipulation of the surrounding ionic environment.